If you are a store owner , restaurant owner, pharmacy owner, or any business that needs fast and reliable delivery services, Sonic Delivery is the perfect solution for you. We understand that the speed of delivery and the quality of service greatly affect your customers’ satisfaction and loyalty, which is why we offer professional delivery solutions tailored to your business needs.
We make sure to receive orders from your store as quickly as possible, and deliver them to your customers within just one to two hours, which improves their shopping experience and increases their confidence in your store.
Your customers can pay via cash on delivery or e-wallets, ensuring a smooth and convenient payment experience.
Once we receive the order from your store, we charge you for it through all available payment methods, whether cash, Visa, e-wallets or CliQ service, which makes financial transactions easy for you without any complications.
Your customers can pay via cash on delivery or e-wallets, ensuring a smooth and convenient payment experience.
We help you facilitate returns at no additional cost, giving your customers a risk-free shopping experience.
Our customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you, answer your inquiries and solve any problems you may encounter.
There are no subscription fees or hidden costs when you join us as a partner.
By partnering with us, you will be able to provide a smooth and satisfying shopping experience for your customers, helping you gain their loyalty and significantly increase your sales.
Be prepared for a unique experience! Be prepared for a unique experience!